Your only source for exclusive Steal These Buttons News! RSS FEED

July 13, 2003
After a ridiculous amount of time off, I sorted things out a bit. I also organized each button category into its own page since we are quickly approaching the 1000 button mark. I'm amazed that ideas are still coming in and that this project is still very well recieved.

May 27, 2003
Jason over @ whipped up some excellent php scripts so that I never have to open up an ftp client or html editor to update the page. What used to take hours now simply means going through the queue of uploaded ones (yes they still must be approved by me first), making sure all the info is correct, and simply clicking add. This is going to make updating the page sooo much easier on me. This will also mean you will see your buttons appear way faster on the main page than before. THANK YOU JASON!!!

May 22, 2003
You guys sure have been using the upload page! I spent about 2 hours updating over 80 buttons tonight. The Page even got featured on Metafilter!

May 21, 2003
Online Button Maker! You can now make the buttons online! Simply enter the color of each box and the text and it generates the image (as a png) using the silkscreen font and all! VERY Cool!! Bill Zeller wrote the php script and Adam Kalsey put a nice GUI to it. Good work guys! I also decided to open up the upload page to png files :)

May 18, 2003
I added a TON of new buttons and made the RSS feed public

May 15, 2003
I added 30 new buttons

May 11, 2003
I added 40 new buttons